InariFox is a red fox, he has some special force to sense something danger at the limited area. the long time ago he was coming from legends of Inari Mountain of the Sunrise Kingdom, then he moved here to live and become a messenger to protected the fox family, but unfortunately, their new homestead was destroyed by the war, after he loses all his magical power almost when he dispersed with his family. Even so, he still stays on this hilltop home at a long time and continues guarded here. now he decided to be an assassin.
稻荷小狐是一隻紅狐, 他有一些特別的力量, 能夠感受到特定的範圍裡是否有危險. 在很久以前他來自傳說中的日照王國的稻荷山, 過後他搬到這裡居住並且成為一名守護狐族的使者, 但是很不幸的他們的新家園被戰火所摧毀, 當他與他的家人分散過後他失去了所有的魔法力量. 即便如此, 他仍然留守在這山頂上的家園很長的一段時間, 並且一直守護著這裡. 現在他決定成為一名刺客.