FancxyFox is an upper-god of fox world, his attributes are the magic illusion and spirit fire same as Fire Tenko has fire attribute too, but more major to magic, and he also is an upper-god for other fox guardians. he has the common soul with LittleFox, they can fuse each other and combat together at some special time.
狐幻是狐狸世界的上位之神, 他的屬性是魔法幻術和靈火, 和火焰天狐一樣也有火的屬性, 但是更注重在魔法上, 他同時也是其它狐狸守護者的上位之神. 他與小狐有著共同的靈魂, 在一些特別的時候, 他們能夠互相融合並且共同作戰.