Here is my new dragon character I design, named "Hinata" it means a sunshine sufficiency place, she is a dragon of the plant attribute and she can use some precious plants to create rare herb medicine by her special magic. and also she is a sister of Fantagon, always goes into hiding in the distant and mysterious horizon.
這是我新設計的龍角色, 命名為向日(Hinata)意思是陽光充足的地方, 她是一隻植物屬性的龍, 她能夠利用一些珍稀的植物, 並且透過她的特殊魔法來製作稀有的天然草藥. 她也是幻龍(Fantagon)的妹妹, 總是隱匿在遙遠而神秘的天際裡.
About Fantagon: https://www.deviantart.com/fancxyfox/art/Fantagon-749263399