Hello everyone!! Welcome here!! Let's step into the fantasy world of Fox Kingdom and adventure together!!

Here will share some artworks about foxes, beasts, eudemons, furries and other series of art.

大家好!! 歡迎來到這裡!! 讓我們一同進入狐之國的幻想世界一起冒險吧!!

這裡將分享一些關於狐狸, 幻獸, 獸人和其它系列的作品.

2018年8月9日 星期四

FancxyFox Archer Style

Finally, I finished the archer style of FancxyFox for furry name badge!! maybe you think that he is seems like Fox Robin Hood, but I mixed with the modern goggles and made a different myth style. then I will use it in the furry badge participate in Infurnity 2018!!

Fancxy is other mode of LittleFox also his creator, so sometimes they have common soul and spirit.

我終於完成了狐幻弓箭手造型的獸人名牌!! 也許你認為他看起來像是狐狸羅賓漢, 但是我混合了現代化的護目鏡, 並且做了不同的神話風格. 我將使用這個名牌來參加2018的獸無限!!

狐幻是小狐的不同狀態也是他的創造者, 所以有時候他們會有共同的精神和靈魂.

