A long long time ago, the legends once say there a day two spirit foxes having fun with magic each other under the cliff and they discover some golden seeds, they so curious then take some magic of growth into the seeds, after while grow out some plant and grain with shiny in the same place, this is origin of millet, but everyone may not know this part of the secret about foxes.
p.s. The story from a ancient ethnic group Saysiyat, and started in nearby of the Ngarawan in Taiwan.
很久很久以前, 曾經有一個傳說說過, 有一天在懸崖下有兩隻白色靈狐彼此在使用魔法玩耍, 他們發現了一些金黃色的種子, 他們覺得很好奇並且使用了生長魔法注入在種子裡, 過了一會兒在同樣的地方伴隨著陽光長出了植物與穀物, 這就是小米的起源, 但人們也許不清楚這一部分關於狐狸的秘密.
p.s. 這故事源自於古老的賽夏族, 在台灣的獅頭驛社(Ngarawan)附近開始留傳.