As previously said the Fire Tenko always considered that he is a god of firefox, but he is indeed a fox god, though he is not a most powerful god. he has a duty to protected the kingdom of fox world like a celestial guardian, well!! this title is sound more cool, maybe he also have his temple or shrine exclusive to him in their fox world and called "Celestial Guardian Temple/Shrine", he will bless the peace of fox world in here, do you think that name is sound very cool?!
如同前面所提到, 火焰天狐總是想像他是一隻火狐之神, 不過他確實是一隻狐神, 儘管他不是最強大的神明. 保護狐狸世界的王國是他的職責就像是一個天護者, 這個稱號聽起來非常酷呢!! 也許在狐狸世界有專屬於他的神社或寺廟就叫做"天護者神社", 他將在這裡保佑狐狸世界的平安, 你覺得這個名字聽起來很酷嗎?!