Little Fox is an arctic fox, he is soul of the team of fox guardian, and very first time appear in here, cause he is a spirit fox too, so he can use some magical power like a mage, sometimes have some fantastic idea, and he have an important mission to search for the legends of the foxes, just as a fox guardian.
小狐是一隻雪狐, 他是狐狸守護者的靈魂人物, 而且第一次出現在這裡, 因為他也是一隻靈狐, 所以能夠像法師一樣使用一些神奇的力量, 有時候會有一些奇幻的想法, 而他有一個去尋找狐狸傳說的重要使命, 如同一個狐狸守護者一樣.