Do you wanna eat a candy cane? hope you all have the nice Christmas vacation!! uwu
#MerryFoxmas #MerryChristmas #LittleFox #LittleFoxSeries #Illustration
Here will share some artworks about foxes, beasts, eudemons, furries and other series of art.
大家好!! 歡迎來到這裡!! 讓我們一同進入狐之國的幻想世界一起冒險吧!!
這裡將分享一些關於狐狸, 幻獸, 獸人和其它系列的作品.Do you wanna eat a candy cane? hope you all have the nice Christmas vacation!! uwu
#MerryFoxmas #MerryChristmas #LittleFox #LittleFoxSeries #Illustration
The Winter Solstice is the time in the middle of the winter, perhaps is coldest day in the year. In traditional folk of Chinese, people will eat Tangyuan(rice balls), which means you are one year older.
#WinterSolstice #冬至 #LittleFox #LittleFoxSeries #Illustration
Redraw a friend of his fursona, a hybrid species fox bunny, hope y'all like it!! uwu
#furry #furryart #fursona #思修 #Sissel
Try drawing for other, this fursona belong to Jackson Liaw, hope y'all like it!! uwu
#furry #furryart #fursona #雷尼 #Leini
Hey!! Wish you all the best for Halloween!!
Would you like to send me some candy? x3
#HappyHalloween #LittleFox #LittleFoxSeries #Illustration
#furry #furryart #fursona #塔伊拉瓦 #Taylava
Happy Moon Festival for everyone!! uwu
祝大家中秋節快樂!! uwu
Moon Festival ver 1
Moon Festival ver 2
#MoonFestival #LittleFox #LittleFoxSeries #Illustration
Here to share the art series about the blood moon white fox, red fox, and spirit fox, hope y'all like this style!!
在這裡分享關於血月狐狸的系列作品, 有白狐、紅狐以及仙狐, 希望大家會喜歡這種風格!!
Fox of Bloodmoon - White Fox
Fox of Bloodmoon - Red Fox
Fox of Bloodmoon - Spirit Fox
#Fox #Bloodmoon #Illustration
Thanks to my commissioner and this character belong to 狼修 Wolf Hsiu, it's a good try, hope y'all like it!!
#Commission #ArtCommission #wolf #fursona #狼修 #WolfHsiu
Imagine in a mysterious forest by the water, the nine tails fox pad on the river rock!!
想象神秘森林的水邊, 九尾輕踏於河石之上!!
Howling wolf on the aurora snow wild!!
Does the wolf look ferocious enough? uwu
這狼看起來夠兇嗎? w
#beast #beastart #wolf #graywolf
Here's a sweet dragon couple for you guys and wish you all a happy valentine's day!! uwu
#valentines #valentinesday #dragon #illustration
Try to create a new race between bats and dragons, hope y'all like it!! x3
#furry #furryart #bat #dragon
Would you like to try the pineapple cake? X3
Pineapple Cake is one of the famous desserts in Taiwan.
#PineappleCake #LittleFox #LittleFoxSeries #Illustration
感謝委託者檸檬喵!! w
Thanks to the commissioner and hope y'all like it!!
#Commission #ArtCommission #furry #furryart #fursona #檸檬喵 #LemonCat
Two foxes hugging in the wild!! uwu
Thanks to my commissioner for donating and supporting me, and hope y'all like it!!
#Commission #ArtCommission #furry #furryart
There is a Tenko Shrine near the northeast of Tenko Village, Fire Tenko hosting this county and works at this shrine. All spirit foxes have the potential to become spirit fox gods and may take turns hosting some states or counties or territories in the Fox Kingdom.
在天狐村附近的東北方有個天狐神社, 火焰天狐掌管這個郡並且在這個神社裡工作. 所有的靈狐都有成為靈狐神的潛能並且可能輪流託管狐狸王國的一些州或郡或一些區域.
The new year begins today, hope you all have a nice year!!
The fox will bless you all!! UwU
新年伊始, 希望大家有美好的一年, 狐狸將會保佑大家!! UwU