為了慶祝我們的粉絲頁460讃, 現在我將提供這個版模給大家使用並且抽出6名, 我將會用這個版模來畫你們的設定!!
#01. 按讃我們的粉絲頁
#02. 在底下的留言版留下你的設定
#03. 選擇你要的版模(a或b)
[活動期限]: 2020.03.18~2020.03.25
版模下載: FREE
*你可以隨意的使用這個版模, 但必須留下我的簽名!!
We are now celebrating 460 likes for our fan page, Now I am provided an art baseline for you all to use on your own and pick 6 giveaways that draw your OC by me!!
You Just need complete 3 following steps to attend the giveaways:
#01. Like our FB fan page
#02. Leave your OC under the comment of this post
#03. Choose one of your baseline(a or b)
[Due date]: 18 Mar 2020~25 Mar 2020
Baseline Download: FREE
*You can feel free to use the baseline, but must leave my signature on the picture!!
Gratitude for your support and encouragement!!
Download PNG YCH/ PNG版模下載:

