The Fox Kingdom may existent also called the Fox God Territory, all foxes can become a fox god or a half fox god and depending on their potential attribute in here, they always proud of their tails, it's a full mysterious territory especially at quiet midnight.
Here is the new fox character Fancxy Fox, it's represent myself too, his attribute are magic illusion and spirit fire same as Fire Tenko has fire attribute too but more major to magic, he has soul of Little Fox also upper god for other fox guardians.
狐狸王國也許是存在的, 又被稱為狐之神境, 在這裡所有的狐狸都能夠依照他們的潛在屬性成為狐狸神或半神狐, 他們總是以他們的尾巴為傲, 是一個充滿神秘的領域特別是在寧靜的午夜.
這是新的狐狸角色Fancxy Fox, 他也代表著我自己, 他的屬性是魔法幻術和靈火與火焰天狐一樣也有火的屬性, 但是更專注在魔法上, 他有小狐的靈魂也是其它狐狸守護者的上位之神.